Heather has been through a lot. The single mom of two young children was woken up by her ex-husband one morning to find out that they were suddenly homeless. “He had a substance addiction problem that he hid from us, and he had secretly drained our savings. And suddenly, we had no home.”
She has been struggling to make ends meet ever since. After a brief stint at the Interfaith Family Shelter, Heather found housing. She and her kids have now been housed for over a year.
But it hasn’t been easy, and recurring car issues were making it difficult for Heather to get to work, and for the family to get around.
Enter Heidi (a longtime Interfaith supporter) and her mom, Joyce, who were looking to donate Joyce’s 2009 Chevy to a family who could use it.
Interfaith’s Rapid Rehousing Program Manager, Sabrie Taylor, immediately thought of Heather. “I know a new car will make a huge difference to her family, right now,” she said.
And she was right! Five days later, Heidi and Joyce donated their car to Heather at Barb’s Auto License Agency in Snohomish.

Despite the face masks and social distancing, Heather was all smiles and so thankful for this very kind gesture. “You have no idea how much easier this will make my life!” she shared.
Ever since her old car broke down, the family has had to rely on public transportation. Especially with safety concerns and restricted bus service because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the new car “will make all the difference!” smiled Heather. “Now I won’t have to get the kids ready four hours before we need to be somewhere. And I don’t need to depend on my friend for rides to and from work.”
Joyce and Heidi were very happy that the 2009 Chevy has found a new home. “It’s a good car,” said Joyce, “and I am happy to help Heather’s family with this gift.”
Heidi agreed, “My mom likes this option, because she prefers the more personal benefit to someone.” She added, “We were hoping to find someone directly who needed the car, because donating and selling a car reduces its value relative to someone who needs to buy it.”
Thank you so much, Heidi and Joyce. And congratulations on your new ride, Heather!
Beep beep, beep beep, yeah!
Would you like to donate your old vehicle to one of our client families? Contact us to make it happen.