GiveBIG 2020 was a 2-day event this year.

GiveBIG is a movement to support non-profits that provide vital and essential local services.
A big thank you to everyone who helped us meet – and exceed – our donation target!
This year, all donations went toward our Rapid Rehousing program that helps families at the shelter achieve permanent housing… and stay housed.
Our case managers diligently work one-on-one with clients at the shelter to figure out personalized solutions to their situation.
Whether this includes finding and applying for housing, managing and resolving prior debts, or improving job and skills options, the goal is simple: get clients back on their feet and into a home of their own.
And after they move out of the shelter, Rapid Rehousing subsidizes rent through a family’s crucial first year in their new home.

The result: Independence and self-sustaining home stability.
Rapid Rehousing is clearly the solution to regional homelessness.