There are many ways to support the Interfaith Family Shelter and the families we serve.

I want to Donate items
Gently used items are always welcome. Current high-need items include:
- bedsheets & linens (twin & full sizes)
- pillows (standard size)
- towels
- dinnerware (adult & children), and
- personal hygiene items (shampoo, conditioner, body wash for adults and kids, etc.)
We are unable to accept large furniture items, stuffed animals, car seats, and opened / used socks and undergarments.
Click here to submit an online Donation Request form
I want to Volunteer
Share your skills and your time to help with:
- everyday maintenance
- serve on our Board of Directors
- support the Children’s Program
- maintain the Shelter’s community garden, and more!
Volunteers are required to undergo a background check.
Click here to submit an online Volunteer Request form