Miracle House officially opened for business on 09 February, 2020.
Following a lovely ceremony and blessing by our new faith partner, Marysville United Methodist Church, supporters and well-wishers had the opportunity to see our brand-new extension at a brief ‘open house.’

MUMC liaisons (from left) Steve and Jackie Johnson, and Interfaith’s Executive Director, Jim Dean (right) look on.
MUMC churchgoers signed a beautiful framed “Welcome Home” picture at all three church services that same day, which now graces the mantelpiece at Miracle House. A thoughtful and loving gesture of support for families in need.
The MUMC Tween youth group took it on themselves to decorate both bedrooms, with bright and cheery sheets, and made the beds up for the first families to move in… complete with adorable stuffed animals on each bed to welcome children residents.
We are so excited for this new chapter in Interfaith’s growth, and for the opportunity to partner with MUMC as we unite to help families overcome homelessness.

In case you could not attend, here’s a quick virtual tour of Miracle House.