What’s New
Giving Tuesday 2022 Overview
Giving Tuesday 2022: You Gave, and we're GratefulGiving Tuesday - which falls on the Tuesday after Thanksgiving - is always a special time for the non-profit community. This is an important occasion to recognize and support organizations that are making a difference...
Homecoming Benefit Concert on Sep. 18
The Interfaith Family Shelter is proud to collaborate with our community partners on the Homecoming Benefit Concert on September 18,2022!The Homecoming - Stabilizing Our Community One HOME at a Time concert is a joint effort by several community organizations to...
Families Together 2022 was a success!
Thank you to everyone who helped make our annual fall fundraiser a success!
GiveBIG 2022 – Thank you for supporting us!
GiveBIG 2022 was on May 3 - 4, 2022. GiveBIG is a statewide movement that supports non-profits in your community. You have been hearing a lot about our ongoing Capital Campaign to purchase the Family Shelter. And we have made great progress toward that fundraising...
Trust-based Philanthropy
Earlier this year, the Interfaith Family Shelter was proactively selected by the Puget Sound Energy Foundation (PSEF) as the recipient of a trust-based philanthropy program.Among a handful of other regional nonprofits, Interfaith was recognized as an “exceptional...
Families Together 2021 was a success!
Families Together 2021 was on Wed, October 20, 2021! Our annual fundraiser showcasing the Interfaith Family Shelter's recent accomplishments - including our expansion into Homeless Prevention - was online again this year. A BIG thank you to everyone who attended...
COVID Relief for Restaurant & Bar workers
Are you or someone you know a restaurant / bar worker who was negatively affected by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020? Help is available! The Problem: The restaurant industry has been among the hardest hit from the prolonged COVID-19 pandemic in 2020. Many...
It’s All About the Kids
The Interfaith Family Shelter looked quite different until a few years ago. Although there was a playroom where the children of our clients could do arts and crafts, there were no regular staff assigned to oversee this space, and volunteer programs were generally...
We’re Hiring: Homeless Prevention Specialist
The Interfaith Family Shelter is hiring a Homeless Prevention Specialist. Join our team! You could play an important role at Interfaith Family Shelter. If you, or someone you know, has: (a) excellent organizational and conflict-management skills, (b) enjoy motivating...
We’re Hiring!
We currently do not have any employment openings at the Interfaith Family Shelter. Please check back again for available opportunities!